Armor of God
Theresa Linden
Based on the Scriptural Armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-17), the six-book ARMOR OF GOD fantasy-adventure series appeals to the universal and timeless quest for virtue and inner strength. The story themes and “Brother Coll’s Catechism Lessons,” weaved into each story, are perfect for children preparing for or who have recently made their First Confession and First Holy Communion.

Armor of God
6 book series
Theresa Linden
Based on the Scriptural Armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-17), the six-book ARMOR OF GOD fantasy-adventure series appeals to the universal and timeless quest for virtue and inner strength. The story themes and “Brother Coll’s Catechism Lessons,” weaved into each story, are perfect for children preparing for or who have recently made their First Confession and First Holy Communion.
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